Village-town theater
- tries to create some plays according to the needs of some local sponsors or stakeholders
- the message is not necessary a big objective…the subject has to be important for somebody
- the amateurs actors are doing it for a future carrier, for some friends, for loosing time, for attention
- people learn some text already done before for them
- any sudden change is disorganizing the group ….a big rigidity for the text and context
- the director is doing it for money ….and some passion for the theatre in general
- people pay to see one of this play
- take place in theater building or cultural centers;
- the results are : some personal development of the team members, some nice evening time for some village/ little town habitants, some publicity to some companies, and maybe if is real successful some manipulation of the public in some political directions;
The Social theater
- the aim is to make a social change according to a specific problem that a community has
- the people involved are volunteers and they do it for the social mission and believe
- approaching social problems make people came together and be close to each other- a natural team building
- the play/scenario is created by the team
- there is no fix text ….the non-actors has to understand and feel fully the character they perform and what is his role and aim on the stage – for that he can “play” with the word and sentences
- the play can be performed in the middle of the people in their community
- people can involve in the play and change the story
- the team is improvising according to the public interventions
- the results: community changing, people come up with solution for they own problems exposed on the play, the volunteers are able to see the impact in the local community; volunteers are developing a extend area of social skills, teamwork and management; in time the people that are involving are changing they set of values to a superior one and become resource person in the communities ;
What you choose?