In Sri Lanka among other activities I was also responsible for implementing the evaluation part of a 2 years training program in Non-Violent Conflict Resolution implemented in various and diverse regions of the country for religious leaders or actives members (Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Buddhists). For a short brief at the time of the project implementation Sri Lanka was affected by a civil war.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Booklet- Non-Violent Conflict Resolution Training Program in Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka among other activities I was also responsible for implementing the evaluation part of a 2 years training program in Non-Violent Conflict Resolution implemented in various and diverse regions of the country for religious leaders or actives members (Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Buddhists). For a short brief at the time of the project implementation Sri Lanka was affected by a civil war.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Recap Sri Lanka

Let’s look back.... more time pass from that period…
Let’s look back to
Let’s see some facts of
- It is a former British colony (for those who don’t know) and it has a very
- British manage to make from them the biggest exporter of tea….as I know for sure
- The poorest people of the country are the ones that work on the tea plantation (what an irony)
- The TEA culture is a big heritage from this old “parents” and as usual with milk (powder milk) and with sugar by default.
- From decades the country energy and power is sucked by the ongoing civil war between the state army and a terrorist group that supposedly represents a minority group of the country (Tamils Hindus).
- It is a Tsunami affected area, half of the coastal areas was affected; they did recover big time in terms of reconstruction BUT not in terms of psychological damage ; fear of water; many cemeteries on the beach keep on distance maybe tourists and any intention of building some tourist resorts (that eventual will attract money for the community)
- I lived almost 13 weeks in this small island
- I visited 9 different places/cities of the country (including some parts of the country under the army cheek and security )
- I have discussed or interact with almost 200 people
- I have tried almost every curry possible (more then 20 for sure) (including those made from non-ripped fruits that are still are mystery for me)
- Are more then 20 types of bananas or mangos and I still didn’t manage to make the difference between them
- The fruits and vegetables are most of the times taken from the plantation extremely “green” –let’s say non-ripped and sold on the market not after to much time
- For sure the word winter/spring/autumn or even summer doesn’t have any sense in this country (where is all the year something like summer ) – rainy season or dry (this is the way to make the separation) but not so many people seems to know when during the year is more exactly rainy season
Let’s see now some more personal-subjective and maybe les objective but based on some of the sri lankan reality.
What I like in
- relaxing lifestyle – the mind can take a break in this country, is stimulating you to give up stress, to relax, to be in peace with you, more connection with the nature and less busy social life (as social life doesn’t really exist in the European way – except the capital city-Colombo)
- the traditional stile of clothing of people; - the western influence is really very small even if they consider is very big ; streets for sure are full of saries and sarongs :)
- the more natural way of living – as food and way of cooking; and believes on health issues or even on lives; (ayurveda “science” is generally accepted and used in daily life)
- they still have indigenous people: VEDA people ; they still have their own life style BUT they start to adapt to the "tourist attracting" one;
- Food : fruits (so many, so divers, so tasty, so natural) – papaya, jack fruit, mango, bananas, avocado, passion fruit, pineapple, cluster apple, wood apple, star fruit, king coconut, beli, guava , grapefruit, and so on ; sea food – prawns, crabs, cattle fish, fish (including fresh tuna or shark), lobster, - just delicious
- nature – the jungle is like everywhere, is a great view and very beautiful and still very natural ….(even if I’m sure that from 20 years ago they destroyed 20 percent of the (rainy) forest) …hopefully they will stop; the ocean and the little towns near the see are like in the pictures/movies :)
- wild life – elephants walking on the road, friendly monkeys always waiting some food from you, bugs, snakes, wild boars, insects or other kind of animals that can cross the street anytime in your front; the wild life is still wild but also friendly; not so wild but very beautiful – the elephant orphanage
What I didn’t like
- “distant culture” – people don’t open themselves, don’t speak about them, don’t open personal subject, don’t go deep in any subject, are not interested in who are you (deeply) and where are you from (deeply) and is very hard to reach them and find out what they think; non-confrontation approach and avoidance of any bad situation between people;
- shy culture – afraid to tell what they think, to express their opinion, in some situation even to speak in front of new people and specially white people (maybe some side effects of colonization) most of the times they are laughing as a defence and barrier ; ADD – shy in “confrontation” situations but they are not shy in gossip and speak all the bad thinks behind the people – and after that smiling to them as purely as possible;
- the ongoing stereotyping behaviour towards WHITE people – different prices, different privileges, different (and very high) expectation in matter of money issue specially, and very very rigid opinions about a white person that seams that nothing will change them (rich, happy, mother language –English, too open as life style, etc) – any new information that change some of this strong impression will not be mentally accepted; is extremely hard to be treated as an equal here (no mater what you do)
- the low level of critical and analyzing sense in what matter their reality or the world reality – they dont go deep in the reasons behind a subject or situation (is connected with what I written before) –
- playing the “victim” of the world – complaining about poverty and hard life of sri lankan (maybe a tendency developed in time and with many “money” benefits from the whites) but if you go a bit deeper you will realise that is not all the time with fundament; they are complaining but not really for them, for others and if is any benefit is for them and not for the others;
- spicy food – way to much for my European “tong” and almost in everything (in cooked food or in the snacks or chips)
If I calculate …is much more deeper what I didn’t like but I still work on putting this experience in a more global view, and giving more sense to what is happening at this moment there (as social-cultural aspects).
The mental work is in progress!
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Why this blog is not updated?

Because her author is deeply sinked in some hard time of experiencing, exploring, and living emotional and concretely situations that stop her from writing and sharing…
What that means?
Means that if you are still interested about what happened meanwhile ….come back again after some time….this lack of information will be stop latest in the last week of October….(this year)
Questions, inquiries and comments are still welcomed ….
Friday, 11 July 2008
How is in Sri Lanka?

I imagine that from the beginning when I announce this idea…this plan…this adventure people that were around me expected the moment I will get to a place that can be consider really different, fare away….unbelievable.
Yes…finally I put my foot in a completely new and different land….Sri Lanka!!!
I jumped directly here after Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and again Turkey and maybe my travel doesn’t look like it has a “normal” path, smoothly from country to the neighbour country and so on…..
Well is not and it will not be necessary like that…..because reasons change and external factor can also influence….
Now I’m in the jungle!!!! Exactly like is written…the internet is coming by lianas and I can call from my mobile if I want.
This world is like in the movies or in the reality show of Amazing Race….crowded busses and trains, people surrounding you because they never saw a white, exotic fruits that you never saw or know, the bananas that has complete other taste, the garbage and the smell, the heat and the sudden rain ….the tropic clime…
Is clear that the nature is very important here…is green everywhere and thats a true fact….a village means to go from house to house in the jungle….the jungle is part of the house here and that’s wonderful. The air you breath you feel it…is fresh and clean…..yeah that’s great…I think my ancestor in
Shortly some aspects of this country…..
- food: rice rice rice (morning, lunch, dinner)….and curry (curry means everything else that you can put on the rice – some sauce, some vegetable with souse, some fruits boiled, some meat, some coconut mixed with some green leafs, etc etc)
- the curry you must don’t confusing with what we call curry – that yellow powder…)
- rice is plain…but the curry…the curry is based on different spices , chilly mainly …so watch your mouth
- we eat with the hand – no use of fork or spoon…based on the fact the food is testier like that (I confess I never image to eat rice with my hand but I manage good)
- the cheese and milk product,not powder milk, are like a luxury products
- the water you boiled and is not problem to drink warm water anymore
- the men have on them some skirt “saron” and they are very proud of that….and very possessive…is a man thing not a women yeah?....
- the women has to be happy with their sari …that you find I know in India also….but is obvious that is not comfortable…to surround your body in 6 meters of material that will make you hot and not that easy to move….hm…but is a tradition and also them, are very proud of it…..(I’m thinking to buy a saron:)
- the fruit shops are everywhere and is overwhelming still to see how many fruits and how diverse …many types of banana, coconut, king coconut, pineapple, avocado, mango, papaya, goa, jack fruit, and other that are so unusual that I didn’t remember the name
(in the picture: jack fruit- that can have up to 20 kilos)
- people shake heads in something like NO for us (but not exactly is a different shake) and that will mean YES….even if sometimes they shake head also as our YES and means also YES…..because they never say NO (this never is extreme but you got the point) …..
- they are very shy …..very shy….women specially but also men…is a shy culture …you can see also from the children, how the are acting….is hard to get to them because the will not let themselves very easily discovered …..i might say that this shyness made them distant….or other way round
- don’t confuse what I said before with lack of friendship….they are very friendly and smiling and warm, calm and relaxed people…I think is the nature effect plus maybe some historical roots
- they are former colony for British …or better say occupation because they didn’t exactly colonized this country – still only the locals are living here
- the cars are going on the left side ….they say like in
- They never hear about
- you can see elephants or monkeys on the streets or close to the road, isn't cool?,
- they majority of people are Buddhist and is cool to see Buddha statues all over and temples…and every full moon day the government give the people free day to go an meditate
- the night life doesn’t exist here…and also the socialising in pubs or bars is limitate …..even in the hottest places of the country a bar doesn’t have outside tables for people to stay in fresh air…(inside is no air-condition)
- tea people…..tea with milk and sugar with no option how much sugar you want…take it or leave it….:)
- it is a problem in the country…a open conflict with a separatist group in the north of country ….not to many details now
in a easy to understand way? can I send a message that covers most of your
desires? also…to avoid your question: how is there?....
well is also like I said until now…your next question should be different!
Thursday, 19 June 2008
A village-town theater versus social theater

Village-town theater
- tries to create some plays according to the needs of some local sponsors or stakeholders
- the message is not necessary a big objective…the subject has to be important for somebody
- the amateurs actors are doing it for a future carrier, for some friends, for loosing time, for attention
- people learn some text already done before for them
- any sudden change is disorganizing the group ….a big rigidity for the text and context
- the director is doing it for money ….and some passion for the theatre in general
- people pay to see one of this play
- take place in theater building or cultural centers;
- the results are : some personal development of the team members, some nice evening time for some village/ little town habitants, some publicity to some companies, and maybe if is real successful some manipulation of the public in some political directions;
The Social theater
- the aim is to make a social change according to a specific problem that a community has
- the people involved are volunteers and they do it for the social mission and believe
- approaching social problems make people came together and be close to each other- a natural team building
- the play/scenario is created by the team
- there is no fix text ….the non-actors has to understand and feel fully the character they perform and what is his role and aim on the stage – for that he can “play” with the word and sentences
- the play can be performed in the middle of the people in their community
- people can involve in the play and change the story
- the team is improvising according to the public interventions
- the results: community changing, people come up with solution for they own problems exposed on the play, the volunteers are able to see the impact in the local community; volunteers are developing a extend area of social skills, teamwork and management; in time the people that are involving are changing they set of values to a superior one and become resource person in the communities ;
What you choose?
Wonders about a country….Azerbaijan

Now…with the desire to explore as much as possible from this culture and to recover…..
First time…it was bad that I was so ignorant in the intercultural aspects….BUT good resource people ware around me …
Second time …it was bad that I was so into this intercultural subject …BUT the wrong and ignorant people ware around me…..
So I lost both times…..
They call themselves the land of fire…because the arheologiest found out here the oldest remains of fire ….so until the will not discover more older tracks here is suppose the was made first fire….
They call themselves TURKS but that is some fantasy or some delusion…..except some of the food, the similar language and the way how they look……I didn’t observed other similarities… culture and attitude….They seem to forget that they ware 50 years in Soviet Union…that most of the people speak Russian and all of them understand this language ….The Turks are sunny Muslims they are shya…. Even let’s admitted most of them don’t know the difference…
Where are the mosques when you just walk on the streets…?…when do you hear the prayer call (ezan)…?….they eat pork….is not that a problem to have some sausage with pork sometimes ….
some strange issues that get lost in the ambiguity I still have about this country….
The people I meat have such a low knowledge about their own country , religion or culture….. or maybe I was to deep with my questions….
They have conflict with the Armenians…that stays for a long time in some suspense aspects ……they “cry” but I don’t understand what they do…I mean the general population…….
The Turks like to have more Turks in the world so is not hard to call other like being Turk (they call me also …so please :) …and for Azerbaijan people sounds very cool to be Turk….turkey is the big brother that is very well settled ….
Let’s not forget ….wrong people every time I was there (me or them) …..
Maybe is a interesting combination after a sovietisation and keeping still the Islam teachings…this is a result…..a country in a big transition and with no identity clear defined
PS – of course this is a beautiful country with many stuff to discover….is still a wild country so offers more in this direction…
Monday, 26 May 2008
Georgia of 2008 - few aspects

I spend just 5 days in
Maybe the strangest one was the big similarities with my own country…and not with the one from these days but with
Why is that? Because
I’m not saying that my country is very modern …but I saw the difference, is just a matter of how the infrastructure looks, the shops, the fast foods and restaurants, different products, the bus or train station, the streets , the people daily habits ….I want to highlight something… much better how is now!!! You see the more natural way of living and not the one put it in many systems and rules.
You see people drinking wine in groups in public spaces.
Eating sees on the streets that can be both from any place from the same street.
The traditional fast food is very popular and of course you can count on the more healthy specialities and other stuff over there.
And to discover that their khachapuri is exactly as our merdenea that was also extremely popular some years ago. Or some yellow snacks that again are exactly the same like our and very popular in the past.
(I still didn’t realize how this small details are the same in this pretty distant countries??? I will let the answer for a later moment when I will study more anthropology :)
To go up on the rocks and to be free to go as dangerous and adventurous you want…without specific paths you are allowed. Great!!!
For me was more clear the difference of this little aspects from my own country and that we didnt appreciate them at that time…now you don’t have them…specially this free-wild way of living your daily life and I (we) miss it!
If you don’t find people that know stuff about they country and with whom you can spend some good time in order to find out different issues is possible to miss that
- the first wine was made in this country
- the remains of the oldest (or the first ) people on the earth ware found here!
- Their language is unique and with unique alphabet!
- The women role is the one of money supplier and house keeping and the man is socially allowed to stay at home and do nothing…..if is not exactly like that you understand how are the positions there.
- Their traditional dances looks like in the fairy tales , the ladies dresses and movements!
The direction of Georgia is WEST and slowly or not they will get there….and in 10 years or even less they will be proud to say that we got there finally!!! Let’s not anticipates the losses and the advantages and just let them be.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
The story of the Georgian Border and the Romanian Stranger

some dogs….some dust and some big doors closed. That’s the border people!…..and I was planning to pass it having no idea what is on the other side and more then that how the fuck I will get there….
The Turkish customs don’t realize that I spend more time in Turkey then my visa allowed…he is more interested on my opinion of his country and puzzled that I really want to go to Georgia (what strange wish I have….?!?)
The Georgian customs….they look more weird to this stranger that landed on their border and by strange means also she really wants to go in Georgia…they don’t seems to know what is Romania that is written on my passport…thanks God that they have some kind of paper that show them that I need just a stamp and a good by…instead of good by they look strange on me and ask me: why are you coming here?
After them I had to manage a way how to get in the country….don’t forget even God forget it about this Border …..but not also some trucks from Turkey, Armenia or Iran… the winner was the one that seems that speaks some Romanian and that was also a Turk.
On the other side of those big doors that have to be each time open manually was ….for 2 hours a strange space….why? well…is kind of adventure to drive on roads that have no signs regarding the next cities or towns….you don’t know where are you and where are you going…my trust was in my driver that was just speaking about the Georgian mafia and the big problems that he had there…..ok…this suppose to be my first day in Georgia. Welcome!

BUT…after they took my passport they change their mind and decided that they need to remove me from the train for supplementary cheek… and the small criminals….
I become a suspect….a suspect that has maybe a false passport (they cheek it thousands of time and also compared with other ones) …my contact person in case of emergency becomes suddenly a suspect: who is this? …a friend!!! Aaaa…yeah…a friend….(!?!)
And all this because I didn’t have VISA for Georgia in my passport…..sure, they never had before a Romanian passport in their hands…I understand them….they have no idea what is this country and where is in the world and more then that …….if I have visa for Azerbaijan why I don’t have for them? ….must be that I’m some sort of criminal….
their level of English was less then basics….so our communication was more then constructive….the other criminals that ware with me find a more easy way to handle their situation…of course some money in the right time to right hand….It was the time to reflect: maybe they really wait some money from me….but I’m still representing a country that has the corruption in the blood….so I can handle easily this type of situation without giving money….stay pride and arrogant :)….
Well…they give some phone calls and in the end they find out that Romanian people don’t need visa for Georgia so…they try to apologize and release me.
So…dear Romanians…don’t worry, I open the doors for you…now these people at least know the name of our country :) and so you can go without fear!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
What we have to learn?

I’m a dreamer…I have big dreams and I fight for making them true
I believe that this world can be just up to us
I believe that every person action can be understood…
I believe that if you put yourself in other person skin you can understand why is thinking and acting in a certain way
I believe that everything is happening with reason
I believe that each person has a message for somebody
I don’t believe in coincidence and hazard
And I’m not the only one in this world that thinks like that!
Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo (known as Pippa Bacca) (December 9 1974 — March 31, 2008) was an Italian artist who, together with a fellow artist, was hitch-hiking from Milan to the Middle-East to promote world peace and trust in other people, symbolically wearing a wedding dress during her trek. Arriving in Gebze on March 31, 2008, she went missing, and her sister flew to Turkey to locate her. Her body was discovered in the same city, a tourist's attraction due to the presence of the possible gravesite of Hannibal. On April 11, 2008, and she was formally identified by her sibling, and taken to Istanbul for an autopsy. The police were led to the body by means of a man, who had placed his SIM card into Bacca's mobile phone. The man was arrested soon afterwards.
Bacca was part of a world peace effort known as "Brides on Tour" that departed from Milan on March 8, 2008. The artists, wearing white wedding dresses, then travelled through Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Bulgaria, and arrived in Turkey on March 20, 2008. They had planned to hitch-hike to Syria and then Lebanon by March 31, arriving in Israel and Palestine by mid-April, their final destination being Jerusalem. Concerning their attire, they reported on their website that "That's the only dress we'll carry along - with all stains accumulated during the journey."
Bacca and her companion split up just prior to arriving in Istanbul, planning to meet up again in Beirut. However, Bacca disappeared after March 31. Her credit card was reportedly used at midday on the day she was found dead. Her body, described as "naked and decomposing" by All Headline News, was found in bushes in the city of Gebze. A man who led the police to her body, identified as Murat Karataş by AHN, was detained, was, according to some sources, later arrested after reportedly confessing to raping and killing Bacca. Karataş, whose initials matched what was indicated when Bacca's mobile phone was used, had reportedly inserted his own SIM card. He also had previous convictions of theft.
Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported local news agency Doğan stating that Bacca's autopsy confirmed that she was rapped and killed on March 31, and that Karataş was arrested on April 11 for the murder, after picking her up from a gas station. Hurriyet printed an article on the murder entitled "We are ashamed". When questioned on events, Bacca's sister stated "They ask me why my sister was hitchhiking. What can I say? She was just trying to prove that people are reliable."
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Time stopped

Turkey captured me
Life is a moment in space
When the dream is gone
It's a lonelier place
I kiss the morning goodbye
Down inside, you know we never know why
The road is narrow and long
When eyes meet eyes
And the feeling is strong
I turn away from the wall
I stumble and fall
But I give you it all
I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do
With you eternally mine
In love there is no measure of time
We planned it all at the start
You and I live in each other's heart
We may be oceans away
You'll feel my love
I hear what you say
No truth is ever a lie
I stumble and fall
But I give you it all
I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do
I am a woman in love
And I'm talking to you
You know
I know how you feel
What a woman can do
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Introduction to Turkey

Turkey is like my second home country! Is the only country where I came back 5 times and now is my 6th time and every time Turkey give me something that I need it!
I used to say before I started this travel that I will loose my self in Turkey this time- will be like a break out !SO…yes I’m in Turkey- this time is for a long time – at least one month with possible returns for arranging visa issues for future countries!
This post is just to introduce a bit Turkey from what already give me and for what I love or like it and to made know the base of this return!
- the people are friendly, curios, helpful and warm
- they are delighted to speak with new people (even if they don’t manage to understand your language:) –they will manage a way! – is impossible to feel uncomfortable because you don’t know what to speak about!
- I feel on the same level in what matters the interrelations skills : we connect immediately on the way of laughing or joking, how we approach life – we are like brothers! Some of my closest friends are from Turkey!
- They speak a lot and loud – exactly like me!
- We have many common words in Romanian and Turkish – is a joy to discover them!
- they have the cult of the guest – they want to make sure that the new person that is their house-car-shop is not feeling thirst or hungry !
- I interact mostly with men! Women are more shy and threatened by me being so European and confident– maybe!
- I grow up in a country where I had to learn to be independent and to manage by myself in any kind of situation – and not to expect others people protection- well Turkey is the only country where I feel protected! I had no idea how is this feeling BUT here I felt it! Is not about needed it is about the fact that is there somewhere- I feel this protection around me!
- they like to drink black tea all the time in little glass cups that looks like a women body! And of course they will offer you every time!
- the streets are challenging your senses trough thousand of ways : the food, the smells, the clothes, the colors, the restaurants, the shops, the people …..
- sometimes you feel that they don’t behave so hospitable because they really feel that BUT because they HAVE to bee like that! I like to observe this.
- Is a huge country, complex and divers, with a huge history inside – BUT you feel the Turkish way all over!
- I love the mosques for the fact that you have to walk on carpets – without shoos and having all the intimacy that you want with your thoughts
- They are cats everywhere!!! I love cats!
- They have a huge honor! You immediately feel it when you speak with them –when you ask them about something related with Turkey- Turkish – they cheers when they drink for it- SEREFE – means FOR HONOUR !
- when you smoke Nargile in places where are pillows and carpets – gives you the sensation that you are in 1001 nights stories!
- Efes is great – as beer and historical place!
- You never feel alone – in no place!
Curios enough?